Meylin Gaitan

For 14 years, Meylin Guido devoted herself to Christ For the City Nicaragua. Initially volunteering for 7 years, she later spent another 7 as an international missionary. Meylin and her husband, Moises, initially connected with the organization through a university scholarship. They continued their service with Christ For the City until 2020, when Moises transitioned to the role of a general pastor in a local church.

The couple, blessed with an 8-year-old son named Lucas Guido, have been deeply involved in their community. Meylin, specifically, serves as the coordinator of the education department. Her role is centered on enhancing education quality through four impactful programs spanning various educational domains: Primary, Secondary, University, Technicals, and teacher professional development.

Bismarck & Emma Aburto

Bismarck Aburto, have served for 7 years as a leader of the training area for pastors and leaders of the Churches in Nicaragua. The focus of this area is to work alongside the leadership of the local Church, he also supports other areas of ministry of the base in Nicaragua.

Bismarck is married to Emma Garcia who serves as a volunteer at Christ For the City in the women’s area and is now in the process of applying for a missionary. They have 4 children Tatiana, Bismarck, Erwin and David.

Carlos & Aracelis Reyes

Carlos and Aracelis are Nicaraguan doctors that serve the people of rural Leon with medical missions. They spend a great deal of time serving their community at Clinica Carlitos, which is a clinic/pharmacy located just outside of the city of Leon where medical consultations are offered for less than $3. This price includes certain types of medications as well. They feel a calling to work with people using their gifts are healers, but they also use this opportunity to share the Gospel with folks while visiting the clinic. They are an amazing blessing to their community and people literally walk for hours to receive care from this couple, and their love for their people is palpable.

Most folks don’t ever get the chance to see what goes on behind the scene in the medical field, but there is a mountain of work to be done there are well, such as handling the logistics that pertain to filing documentation with Nicaragua’s Ministry of Health in every region that the CFCI Nicaragua Medical Missions Department operates in. They also handle the discernment process to decide which churches to work with when medical brigades, both national and international, are in the planning stages, which is yet another facet of the work they do with CFCI. The brigades require a lot of careful planning, procurement of equipment, personnel, medications, as well as training for those from the churches and communities that wish to volunteer in this enterprise.

Fabricio & Claudia Mendoza

Greetings from the Mendoza family! We, Fabricio and Claudia, have been
married since 2003.  Our sons are Adiel Andrés, 14 years old, and José
Andrés, 9 years old.

Our Ministry began at our church in Chinandega when we were both 17 years old and at that time we were boyfriend and girlfriend. At that time, we were leading small groups, assisting the senior pastor, preaching, and active in evangelism. After we got married, we were asked to move to Managua and serve in a daughter church there. For the duration of one year, we also helped to
raise up two churches in the cities of Leon and Juigalpa.

We have been CFCI missionaries since 2006, and began serving as the
directors of the Nicaragua CFCI base in 2010. We work alongside our
fellow missionaries and help develop what we believe God’s vision for
the ministry is, which includes the following six areas: Medical
Ministry, Education Ministry, Pastoral and Leaders Training, Women’s
Ministry, Youth Ministry and Special Programs.

We are seeking the prayer support of friends and family who can commit
to be our constant prayer partners and companions for  effective
service through the gospel in Nicaragua.

We also need people who are committed to be financial partners to
support us and our family as we serve in full-time ministry.
One time gifts are a great blessing, as are monthly commitments. We
thank God for you joining us in this vision.

PLEASE NOTE: Per IRS guidelines all contributions to Christ for the City International are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law and made with the understanding that Christ for the City International has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

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