We work towards that vision by building bases around the world that will develop ministries to mobilize people to serve Jesus Christ by serving their city.
The Big Story

The story of God’s work in the world is not just another story – it is the story. It defines all of us. It makes us think about who we are and who we can become.
The story began with God’s creation of a perfect world, but through man’s rebellion sin entered the world rendering everything distorted and broken. God immediately began a missionary effort to pursue the redemption and reconciliation of his children, a pursuit that was ultimately and completely fulfilled through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ…
Jesus invites us to not only find our place in His story, but to bear witness of this Good News to others everywhere!
The church’s vision, her reason for being, and the source of her constant renewal, is found in her participation in God’s mission. This is not only the call that God places on the church at large, but also to every follower of Christ.
We are to share the hope we’ve found in a loving God who gives us an identity and a purpose and the promise that one day everything will be restored to the way it was supposed to be.
Our part
Our mission is to help people transform cities by transforming lives. We do this by engaging and mentoring the Body of Christ to develop ministries and programs to bring hope to the city. We garner the involvement of local churches and ministries to present people the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and mobilize them into ministry.
The vision of Christ for the City International is that there be no place without a witness, no church without a vision, and no person without hope.
We work towards that vision by building bases around the world that will develop ministries to mobilize people to serve Jesus Christ by serving their city. It is expected that each ministry or program of the base should form itself around the three statements of the vision:
No Place Without a
Ministries that focus on the needs of the community
No Church Without a
Ministries that help the local church clarify and fulfill their vision
No Person Without
Ministries that help provide hope to hurting people
What makes CFCI unique?
Multicultural and Multinational
Christ for the International City is a multicultural community of the people of God that shares common values, theology and ministry philosophy and is committed to the multiplication of ministries that impact cities in strategic populations of the world.
We currently serve across 16 countries and 37 cities, and over 90% of our workers are not North American.
A Focus on Cities
CFCI Works primarily in strategic population centers of the world, i.e., cities.
Unprecedented urban migration has produced increased poverty and urban dislocation worldwide. Today, 55% of the world's population live in urban areas, and the United Nations projects that by the year 2050, nearly 7 of 10 people in the world will live in cities. With these trends comes an increasing demand for organizations - like CFCI - whose mission it is to help people transform their cities by transforming lives.
Local Ministry Bases
CFCI establishes Bases of ministry that are committed to addressing local needs with local resources. Each base is responsible for developing its ministries and programs in accordance with CFCI's mission, vision, and values.
The Base investigates and understands the issues of its community, and develops working relationships with community leaders, educators, businessmen, pastors, and other ministries. This provides for a wide range of options available to address the needs of the community.
Serving the Local Church
CFCI is committed to local churches and the vision they have for their cities. This is central to our calling.
CFCI has always defined itself as a part of the global church, but not the church itself. CFCI strives to be a force that unites with strategic partners who are committed to helping people transform their cities by transforming their lives.
Short-term Mission Experiences
CFCI uses short-term mission experiences to disciple people both in Latin America as well as the United States while supporting CFCI bases, ministries, programs, and projects.
Mission experiences include short-term (weekend to multiple weeks), medium-term (1-12 months), to long-term (1+ years).
Your Part
Everywhere in the world the local body of believers is the primary agent and the nexus for crossing cultural barriers and experiencing reconciliation in Christ. You have an opportunity to be part of that! Find your place in God’s great story. We invite you to join us in the mission God has given us to help people transform cities by transforming lives.