A little about Where Most Needed (Nicaragua):
Nicaragua is located just north of Costa Rica and south of Honduras. Over the past 50 years Nicaragua has experienced devastating natural disasters and political upheaval, leaving half of the population living on less than $2 a day. The GDP per capita is a little more than $1,000. Many pastors in Nicaragua have little to no formal training.
CFCI-Nicaragua’s vision is to train and equip leaders in the body of Christ, by reaching out to their communities through the five following ministry areas:
- Theological Development: This ministry serves pastors and church leaders throughout Nicaragua, with training and development in leadership, rural evangelism, Inductive Bible Study, and the application of the Scriptures amongst other topics.
- Education: Escuela Esperanza (The Hope School Program) has been partnering with Nicaraguan schools in low-income areas for over 10 years. The aim of the program is to show the love of Christ in a practical way, and equip the future generations of Nicaragua with quality education and personal hope. They do this through the provision of school supplies, such as books and uniforms for children who cannot afford them, as well as teacher training and mentorship, family seminars on topics like nutrition, life skills and relationships, and the provision of funds, for improvements to the school, and academic scholarships.
- Women’s Ministry: Our women’s ministry in Nicaragua offers training and teaching to women in areas such as Inductive Bible Studies, Mentoring, Health, Life Skills and Creative Arts among others.
- Base Development: This ministry connects need in Nicaragua with those who are able and willing to help. CFCI Nicaragua is directly involved in providing aid to impoverished communities, schools and churches in the form of scholarships, supplies, construction materials and water systems among other things. The base also facilitates mission trips for groups and individuals, as well as service, training and growth opportunities for their own personnel.
- Health and Medical Care: Our medical program in Nicaragua provides rural areas with basic medical care, with the help of International Medical Teams, National Medical Brigades, and our permanent clinic in Leon.