A little about Faro Project:
After a period of civil war, El Salvador has entered into a time of rising gang violence. Through the use of extortion and violence, gangs control vast portions of the urban communities. This region is considered one of the most violent in the world, and six million children and adolescents undergo severe abuse every year, including abandonment.
As there is even gang activity within the schools, youth often join as a means to escape violence at home, and obtain drugs, identity, and a place in the world.
This is the reason that Christ for the City International works hard in this area to prevent children and youth from joining gangs through the development of youth centeres in the heart of gang controlled areas. Here, young people can come and be a part of a different kind of community where they are loved and accepted, and where the Gospel is shared.
These centres also provide a place for training in subjects like computer skills, jewelry making, English classes, art, cooking, music and more. They also gives youth the opportunity to participate in other activities such as Bible Studies, sports, field trips and retreats.
Since its beginning in 2012, the Faro Project has been able to open four new youth centres, with hopes of opening two more in the areas of Soyapango and San Marcos. Each of the youth houses will have a Mentors Group, made up of responsible adults in local churches who are volunteering their time to evangelize and guide the young people. We are looking for project partners to make this dream a reality.
The Spanish word, Faro means Beacon a guiding light. These youth centers will provide the light of the Word of God for the inner city youth of San Salvador.
All donations to this project will make a huge difference in the lives of children living in areas rampant with gang-violence in El Salvador.