God, what do you want from me?” Sixteen-year-old Emerson asked with tears in his eyes on the final night at La Montaña Christian Camp in Alajuela, Costa Rica. “What do you need from me?

For two decades, Christ for the City International has hosted a camp for youth in Carpio, the largest slum in Costa Rica.

Abuse, violence, and drug dealing are tragically normalized here,” remarked Josue Sanchez, a missionary for CFCI Costa Rica.

Josue and his wife, Nikki, began assisting with the La Montaña Christian Camp three years ago. Upon returning from their inaugural camp experience, they, along with another missionary couple, started a weekly Bible study with kids from Carpio who had attended the camp.

“At first, it was challenging to establish control,” Josue recalled. “But they kept coming, and by the end of that first year, we started to notice subtle changes.”

Emerson was just 13 when the Bible study commenced. Subsequently, Josue invited Emerson and three other boys to join a smaller discipleship group. All of them returned to camp the following year, where Emerson surrendered his burdens to God.

However, six months later, Emerson’s well-being seemed to deteriorate. Concerned, Josue, as his mentor, confronted Emerson with higher expectations.

Fast forward to February 2, 2024, when the Holy Spirit ministered to Emerson for two hours on the camp’s final day.

“It took three years to bring Emerson to this moment,” Josue remarked. “This is what we want to witness—the Holy Spirit taking charge.”

After actively participating in Carpio’s Bible study for three years, Emerson, on Thursday night, courageously led the group in a review of the story of Gideon for the very first time.

“I was excited to see him take the lead in the Bible study,” Josue expressed. “It’s been amazing to see his leadership skills develop over these past three years.”

Josue and Nikki feel privileged to be part of the divine work unfolding within Carpio’s youth.

“It’s not about us,” Nikki humbly stated. “But the seeds we’ve sown will undoubtedly bear fruit.” 

Join Us for an Unforgettable Evening at the Fueling Transformation Gala!

We are thrilled to invite you to a night like no other—Christ For the City International’s inaugural Fueling Transformation Gala: A Night at the Peter Fink Car Museum, happening on Tuesday, October 15, 2024. This exclusive event is your chance to be part of a transformative evening filled with inspiration, impact, and a touch of classic Americana.

A Venue Like No Other
Imagine spending an evening surrounded by some of the rarest and most iconic American-made muscle cars, all housed in one of the largest private car museums in the U.S. The Peter Fink Car Museum, typically closed to the public, is opening its doors especially for our gala. With over 130 stunning vehicles, including VIN No.1 and No.3 models, signed guitars from rock ‘n’ roll legends, and vintage pinball machines, this is an experience you won’t want to miss.

A Night of Celebration
This event is more than just a fundraiser—it’s a celebration of the incredible work that Christ For the City International (CFCI) is doing around the world. The night will be hosted by WOWT Channel 6 News Anchor John Knicely, who will bring his signature local charm to the event. Omaha native and Hollywood actor, writer, and filmmaker Shun Lee Fong will also be joining us to share his passion for our mission and encourage everyone to be part of this life-changing work.

Chad Lee, a Michigan Country Music Hall of Fame inductee who has shared the stage with Rascal Flatts, Lady Antebellum, and Dierks Bentley, will provide live music, setting the perfect tone for an evening of joy, reflection, and hope.

Stories of Impact and a Vision for the Future
Throughout the evening, you’ll hear powerful stories of transformation from our bases around the world. These testimonies will showcase how the kingdom of God is advancing in some of the most challenging places, thanks to the work of CFCI. We’ll also share exciting plans for the future of our organization and how you can play a role in bringing hope and change to cities worldwide.

Reserve Your Spot Today
Don’t miss your chance to be part of this unforgettable evening. Tickets are on sale now, but hurry—spots will fill up fast! Dinner is included, with an opportunity to make a financial gift to support our ongoing mission of transforming cities by transforming lives.

Sign up today at to secure your place at the gala.

We can’t wait to celebrate with you and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, October 15th!


In the grand narrative of the Bible, from the dawn of creation to the culmination of history, the theme of God’s kingdom resounds with resolute clarity. Embedded within this overarching narrative is the sacred calling of the Church – the community of the King – to participate in the divine mission of advancing God’s kingdom on earth. At the heart of this mission lies the imperative of proclamation, embodiment, and demonstration of the sovereign kingship of Jesus Christ. In this exploration, we unveil the profound importance of missions to the Church, rooted in the timeless truths revealed from the book of Acts to the culmination of Revelation.

Understanding the Kingdom Mandate 

From the inception of creation, God’s intention has always been to extend His kingdom from heaven to earth, mirroring the peaceful perfection of the Garden of Eden described in Genesis. This divine mandate finds its fulfillment in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, who inaugurated the kingdom through His life, death, resurrection, and accession. The Gospels vividly depict Jesus proclaiming the arrival of the kingdom and demonstrating its transformative power through acts of compassion, healing, and deliverance. In Matthew 4:17, Jesus declares, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Furthermore, in Luke 4:18-19, Jesus quotes Isaiah 61, revealing His mission to proclaim good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, and to set the oppressed free.

As recipients of this grace, the Church is entrusted with the sacred task of heralding the Gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the earth. The book of Acts chronicles the early believers’ fervent proclamation of the Gospel, resulting in the expansion of the kingdom amidst opposition and persecution. Acts 1:8 records Jesus’ commission to His disciples, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This narrative serves as a timeless reminder of the Church’s calling to be ambassadors of Christ, bearing witness to the reality of His reign amid a broken and fragmented world.

Moreover, the early Church in Acts demonstrated the kingdom’s transformative power by serving one another with selflessness and generosity. Acts 2:44-45 depict the believers sharing everything they had, selling their possessions, and giving to anyone in need. This radical communal living showcased to the world a different way of living, guided by the principles of God’s kingdom.

Proclamation, Embodiment, and Demonstration 

Central to the mission of the Church is the threefold mandate of proclamation, embodiment, and demonstration of the kingdom of God. The Gospels depict Jesus as the embodiment of the kingdom, where He walked, the kingdom manifested itself through acts of love, mercy, and justice. In Matthew 9:35, it is written, “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” Similarly, the Church, as the body of Christ, is called to embody the values of the kingdom – caring for the marginalized, advocating for the oppressed, and extending grace to the brokenhearted.

Moreover, the kingdom of God is demonstrated through the tangible expressions of God’s love and power in the world. This includes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, healing the sick, and delivering those oppressed by the forces of darkness. In Matthew 25:35-36, Jesus instructs His followers, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Co-Laborers with God 

While the advancement of God’s kingdom ultimately rests in His sovereign hands, He invites the Church to co-labor with Him in this divine endeavor. The New Testament never instructs believers to “build” the kingdom but rather to participate in its unfolding through obedience and faithfulness. In 1 Corinthians 3:9, Paul writes, “For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” This entails a radical reorientation of our priorities, where we align ourselves with God’s purposes and seek first His kingdom and righteousness. 

In conclusion, missions is not merely an optional activity of the Church but the very essence of its existence. Rooted in the timeless truths of Scripture, the Church is called to embrace its sacred calling as co-laborers with God in advancing His kingdom on earth. As we proclaim, embody, and demonstrate the reality of God’s reign, may our lives bear witness to the transformative power of the Gospel, inviting others to experience the abundant life found in Jesus Christ. Let us, therefore, rise to the challenge, knowing that the kingdom of God is not a distant future reality but a present reality to be embraced and proclaimed with boldness and conviction. 


In the early 2000s, the Christ for the City International Costa Rica base received a young and vibrant group from Grace Church in South Carolina. Neither organization realized the week-long trip would blossom into a profound partnership, a genuine friendship, and, ultimately, a family-like bond. 

As the leaders of CFCI in Costa Rica made the bold decision to relocate and establish a base in Nicaragua, Grace Church followed. In March 2003, Grace Church embarked on its first trip to Nicaragua, and together with CFCI worked with a local church in Chinandega. Twenty-years later, Grace Church and CFCI Nicaragua continue to co-labor for the gospel as they, together, ask God what to do in the country.

“We have the same heart, same goal, same purpose,” Fabricio Mendoza, CFCI Nicaragua Director said. “To equip and empower the saints.”

But this family-like connection didn’t take place overnight. It took commitment, intentionality, and trust from both CFCI Nicaragua and Grace Church.

“Being friends, being close, with built trust, has allowed us to not get our feelings hurt when someone says, ‘I think we should do something different’,” Wes Cavin, Grace Church’s missions volunteer said. 

In March 2005, Wes went to Nicaragua for the first time with Grace Church and met Fabricio and Claudia. Between 2003-2009, what started as a series of outreach trips gradually evolved into a profound connection between the base and church. But by 2010, when Wes took over as Grace Church’s Nicaragua leader, and Fabricio took over as CFCI Nicaragua Director both realized they needed a strategy and outcome.

“There was really no strategy except we’ve got some resources, let’s send some people down and do some work,” Wes remembered.

Together Fabricio, Wes, CFCI Nicaragua, and Grace Church came together and created a game plan for the country of Nicaragua that matched both CFCI and Grace Church’s vision.

From that point on, the partnership established a three year focus on a particular area in Nicaragua. Grace Church sends four teams a year to teach two seminary type classes to a group of 50-70 local pastors each time. Grace Church also sends two community outreach teams a year that includes a medical team, children’s ministry, and construction projects.

“It’s very important when you find someone who has the same DNA as you,” Fabricio said. “Who is very focused on training the pastor and equipping the church because we believe the church is the light, the salt, and the witness from the Lord to each community.”

Over the years Wes has stayed for extended amounts of time in Fabricio’s home and Fabricio has stayed for extended amounts of time in Wes’s home.

“We’re friends and we consider each other family,” Wes said. “I actually believe that has benefited the ministry way more than partnership.”

From 2010-2013 they focused their attention on Rivas, 2013-2015 in Matagalpa, and from 2016-2019 in La Dalia. In 2018, when Nicaragua began to experience violent protests across the country, Grace Church was on their knees in prayer for the CFCI missionaries.

“For me, that means a lot,” Fabricio said. “People who are with you every day.”

Despite the violent protests, and challenging times, Grace Church continued to send teams down.

“If something happens here,” Fabricio joked. “I often will hear it through Wes first.”

In 2019, things were coming full circle as Grace Church and CFCI were headed back to their very first location from March 2003, Chinandega. They got two trips in before the world shut down in March 2020, and although they had to stop teams for a year, Grace Church did not forget about their Nicaraguan family.

When CFCI’s Nicaraguan missionaries got covid, four almost died. Public hospitals were awful, and they didn’t have the resources to pay for their medicine. But a pastor from Grace Church started to raise money so they could buy their medicine.

“This is something deep and special,” Fabricio said. “I didn’t call them; it was the Lord.”

CFCI and Grace Church celebrated 20 years of partnership and family in July 2023 at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Managua with roughly 90 people, including 30 individuals from Grace Church

“I’d like to keep this relationship until Jesus comes,” Fabricio said with a smile.


Preparing for a mission trip is an exciting and transformative experience, filled with anticipation for the lives you’ll touch and the journey of faith that lies ahead. But before you embark on this adventure, there’s one crucial aspect to consider: building strong group dynamics within your team. Whether you’re traveling with friends, family, or fellow believers from your church, cultivating a sense of unity, trust, and camaraderie is essential for navigating the challenges and blessings of your mission trip together. In this guide, we’ll explore a variety of bonding activities to help strengthen your group dynamics and prepare your hearts for the journey ahead, all with Jesus at the center of it all. 

Activity 1: Prayer Walk 

What better way to kick off your journey than with a prayer walk? Gather your team in a quiet outdoor space or a local park and invite everyone to join hands in a circle. Begin by offering prayers of gratitude for the opportunity to serve and for God’s guidance and protection throughout your mission trip. Then, take a leisurely walk together, pausing at various points along the way to pray for the communities you’ll be serving, the people you’ll meet, and the challenges you may encounter. 

Encourage each team member to share their hopes, fears, and intentions for the trip, and offer support and encouragement to one another in prayer. As you walk and pray together, you’ll not only strengthen your bond as a team but also deepen your connection with God and align your hearts with His purpose for your mission trip. 

Activity 2: Team-Building Games 

Who says team-building activities can’t be fun? Inject some laughter and lightheartedness into your pre-trip preparations with a series of team-building games and challenges. From trust falls and rope courses to scavenger hunts and relay races, there’s no shortage of creative ways to foster teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills within your group. 

Choose activities that cater to the interests and abilities of your team members and be sure to mix things up to keep everyone engaged and energized. Don’t forget to debrief after each activity, reflecting on what you learned about teamwork, leadership, and cooperation, and how these lessons can be applied to your mission trip. 

Activity 3: Share Your Testimonies 

One of the most powerful ways to build trust and connection within your team is by sharing your personal testimonies and spiritual journeys. Set aside time for each team member to share their story of faith – how they came to know Jesus, the struggles they’ve faced, and the ways God has worked in their lives. 

Encourage vulnerability and authenticity and create a safe space where everyone feels comfortable opening up and being themselves. As you listen to each other’s testimonies, you’ll not only deepen your understanding of one another but also strengthen your bond as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Activity 4: Serve Together 

What better way to prepare for your mission trip than by serving together in your own community? Seek out opportunities to volunteer at local shelters, food banks, or community service projects, and roll up your sleeves to make a difference in the lives of those in need. 

By serving together, you’ll not only strengthen your bond as a team but also gain valuable experience working together to meet the needs of others. And as you serve side by side, you’ll be reminded of the importance of humility, compassion, and selflessness – qualities that will serve you well on your mission trip. 

Activity 5: Worship and Reflection 

Finally, take time to come together as a team for worship, prayer, and reflection. Set aside a quiet space where you can gather to sing praises to God, meditate on His word, and seek His guidance and blessing for your mission trip. 

Encourage each team member to share their thoughts, prayers, and intentions for the journey ahead, and offer support and encouragement to one another as you prepare to step out in faith. As you worship and reflect together, you’ll be reminded of the power of community and the strength that comes from being united in Christ.


Activity 6: Share a Meal Together 

Gather your team for a shared meal, whether it’s a potluck dinner or a simple meal prepared together. Breaking bread together fosters unity, belonging, and a sense of hospitality. As you share stories and laughter around the table, you’ll strengthen your bonds as a team and embody the love of Jesus. So set the table, savor the moments of connection, and nourish your souls together before embarking on your mission trip.



In Conclusion 

Building strong group dynamics within your mission trip team is essential for navigating the challenges and blessings of your journey together. By engaging in bonding activities that foster unity, trust, and camaraderie, you’ll not only strengthen your relationships with one another but also deepen your connection with God and prepare your hearts for the work He has called you to do. 

As you embark on your mission trip, remember that Jesus is the ultimate source of strength, guidance, and inspiration. Keep Him at the center of your preparations and your journey, and trust that He will equip you with everything you need to fulfill His purpose and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those you serve. Safe travels, and may your missions trip be filled with blessings, growth, and transformation. 

CFCI Feature: Zimbabwe

In 2017, a pivotal moment took place in the hearts of Josh and Rachel Tonhorai as they embarked on an outreach to Peru as staff members with Christ for the City International. Little did they know that this trip would become the genesis of a transformative idea. It was amidst the orphanages and nursing homes in Peru that Josh envisioned a new base for Christ for the City International in his home country of Zimbabwe.

“There is a lot of need in Zimbabwe, and I thought Zimbabwe could use a base,” he reflected. “They could do what they were doing in Peru, there.”

After discussing his vision with Chip Anderson, the President & CEO of Christ for the City International, Josh reached out to his high school friend Mubaiwa Mangwende, inviting him to spearhead and establish the Zimbabwe base.  

Fast forward to 2018, and the flame of hope ignited in Zimbabwe with the establishment of CFCI’s base, led by missionaries Mubaiwa and Grace Mangwende. Their dedication to hospital ministry marked the beginning of a remarkable journey, expanding into orphanages and prison outreach. However, the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic threatened to extinguish the flame they had kindled. 

“It felt like the base was almost dying,” Mubaiwa reflected. “Covid really affected us to the point where we thought we would shut down. Every ministry came to a standstill.”

Amid the adversity, the global support from Christ for the City International and the introduction of devotions from CFCI’s President & CEO, Chip Anderson, to all bases became a lifeline.

“Those devotions kept me going; they kept the base alive,” Mubaiwa emphasized. “I never stopped doing those devotions.” 

In 2022, a gradual revival began for Zimbabwe, with help from the CFCI Transformation Fund. This funding played a central role in furnishing essential resources for the hospital and prison ministries. With these newfound resources, the base not only rekindled dormant ministries but also fortified its outreach efforts, empowering volunteers to effectively address the community’s needs. The infusion of support facilitated the rebuilding of connections and relationships, symbolizing a rejuvenated start. 

A turning point came through the connection with two key people, Don and Kaluba Tarukwana. They are longtime friends of Mubaiwa and were already serving the Lord locally through family ministry including premarital counseling and kids’ bible classes. They joined CFCI as missionaries and brought a renewed sense of purpose to the base. 

“We caught the heart of CFCI,” Don said. “It’s a privilege to be a part of a ministry, to help it grow and push it forward.” 

The transformative moment, however, occurred in April 2022 when Mubaiwa attended a CFCI board meeting in Costa Rica. Jake Hjemvick, Chief Operating Officer, recognized that Mubaiwa would gain clarity about God’s calling in Zimbabwe by personally witnessing the ministry work in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is one of CFCI’s oldest and furthest developed bases in the world, and this firsthand experience aimed to inspire Mubaiwa as he moved forward in realizing his vision for the Zimbabwe base. 

“We knew the time in Costa Rica would be important for Mubaiwa to develop relationships not only with our workers from the central office,” Jake said. “But also, with other missionaries and base directors who are working towards the same mission as him.” 

Costa Rica became a classroom for Mubaiwa, where he not only absorbed the essence of CFCI culture but also honed his leadership skills. One crucial lesson he carried back to Zimbabwe was the art of effective leadership, particularly in finding, training, and coaching individuals to become impactful missionaries. 

“That trip impacted me greatly,” Mubaiwa recalled. “I learned how to run and grow a base and I really grew up as a director.”

This experience brought newfound clarity and revelation to Mubaiwa, and the lessons learned in Costa Rica provided the missing pieces, empowering him to guide others in their missionary journey. 

One profound shift in perspective occurred when Mubaiwa recognized that, contrary to common perceptions, missionaries were not exclusively foreigners. In fact, during his time in Costa Rica, he observed that 90% of the CFCI missionaries were locals. This revelation shattered the misconception that effective missionaries had to come from outside the community. 

“I hadn’t fully grasped the depth of what it meant to be a missionary myself,” he admitted.

Mubaiwa realized that he, along with others, could be impactful missionaries right in their own city, without the need to go elsewhere. This insight became a catalyst for a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to serving their local community with the same fervor and dedication as missionaries in distant lands.

“Being a missionary in your own country to your actual neighbors is so much easier and exciting,” Kaluba said. “You understand the culture, it’s easy to access different communities, and locals readily accept you because there are existing relationships.”

After returning from Costa Rica, another local couple, Godfrey Chigumbura and Precious Marangwanda, joined CFCI Zimbabwe as missionaries. They work with and evangelize to college students in their city.

“Serving God faithfully, right where you are is revolutionary,” Mubaiwa said. “Some people are actually not being as effective because they are still waiting to be where they think they are supposed to be to exercise their missionary work.”

Carrying the flame of their renewed passion into 2023, which had nearly been snuffed out in 2020, now blazes with unparalleled intensity. The challenges faced during the previous years, compounded by the impact of the pandemic, seemed to have only fueled their determination. In a remarkable display of commitment, the Zimbabwean team, now fired up with a sense of purpose, sent a short-term mission team of eight individuals to Costa Rica.

“Just as Jesus sent out the 12 two by two, we encourage our bases to do the same,” Anderson said. “Imagine our surprise and amazement that Mubaiwa, as the director of a new base in Africa, was able to recruit a team of eight Zimbabweans to go to Latin America.”

What made this endeavor even more extraordinary was that 90% of the team managed to independently fundraise the required finances for the trip. The fundraising efforts, though challenging, demonstrated the resilience and collective spirit that propelled them towards realizing their vision of making a difference beyond their borders.

Looking ahead to 2024, the Zimbabwe base of Christ for the City International is gearing up for a dynamic year of growth and collaboration. With their renewed spirit and the success of the short-term mission to Costa Rica in 2023, the team is now eagerly anticipating the arrival of teams from around the world who are keen to contribute to their mission.

“To see this base grow and flourish and hear the wide variety of ministries they have is amazing,” Rachel Tonhorai said. “They are a self-sufficient base where they are doing ministry and recruiting local volunteers and getting their community involved to be the hands and feet of Jesus.”

Plans are in motion to welcome and receive teams that seek to serve in the Zimbabwe base, by bringing the message of the Gospel and actions of hope to their community. The groundwork laid in previous years, coupled with the valuable lessons learned, positions the Zimbabwe base to open its doors to those who share the vision of serving Jesus by serving communities.

Mubaiwa envisions a future where community transformation is not just a dream but a tangible reality. His words echo with a profound understanding of the challenges faced by the local community, acknowledging the intense struggles that its residents endure.

“We have so many challenges within our community. People are really, really struggling,” Mubaiwa said.

Mubaiwa envisions a collaborative effort where local churches play a central role in bringing about and influencing positive change. At the core of this ambitious vision lies the concept of a transformation center. Mubaiwa’s dream is to establish a haven where young people can congregate, not only to receive the gospel but also to partake in essential training sessions and teachings that spark transformative growth in their lives.

The commitment of CFCI Zimbabwe to this transformative journey is evident in Mubaiwa’s words and the collective heart of the team. Their dream of a transformation center is more than a blueprint; it’s a manifestation of their unwavering dedication to instigate positive change for the kingdom and equip their community with the tools necessary for a brighter and more hopeful future. 

Mission Trips: Ensuring Impact Beyond the Experience – A Checklist for Meaningful Engagement

Like most things, mission trips are a mixed bag. 

They can be terrible or wonderful experiences, helpful or harmful to the communities that you visit. I’m sure you’ve heard the many horror stories of foreign churches or schools being painted for the twelfth time in a year because they must find something for the never-ending teams of teenagers to do. Or you’ve seen the classic mission trip photos: invasive and undignified shots of ‘poor’ families, homes, streets, or people. Did you really go if you didn’t improve your Instagram feed?

It seems, when you take a step back from our culture and take a closer look at why we do the things we do – that missions (short-term team trips, specifically) are an all-around risky idea. Even potentially a bad idea.

That might sound incredibly strange coming from a mission organization, especially one that has been sending teams for over 20 years and sends over 600 people internationally each year. We love missions! We even love short-term mission trips, but there is a “but”. Short-term mission trips must be done in the right way and for the right reasons.

Here’s a checklist of 5 questions to ask and tick off before planning that next mission trip:

1. Do they have a respectful presence in the community? 

‘They’ are the people or organization that you are traveling with or planning your mission trip through. It’s essential to find out not only what they do the days/week/time that you are with them on the ground but also the other 365 days of the year. Do you know the community? Do they live and work among them? Are they respected and welcomed?

Unless you are going into an area that is known and understood, we recommend second-guessing your trip. Otherwise, there is a real danger of coming across as invasive, know-it-all, misunderstood, and brazen. You want to be sure that you are going with a ministry that is experienced, compassionate, knowledgeable, welcome, and respected.

2. Does your work continue when you leave? 

This is a big one. Before signing up for any project or activity, you need to be sure that your work isn’t going to leave with you. It’s great to bring people to salvation, but they need supportive churches and communities, and a lifetime of discipleship (we all do!). It’s great to build a house, but do the residents have somebody to go to when things break down and need repairing? It’s great to run a weekend children’s program, but do these kids have access to safety and the Gospel the rest of the year? It’s great to bandage wounds and hand out medication, but what about when the dressings need changing and the pills run out? You get the point. If work leaves with you, you need to ask yourself the question – in the long run, are we really being helpful, or more pointedly – who, really, is this mission trip for? It’s always best to partner with ministries and programs that run all year round and have a permanent presence in your community of service. That way, you are coming alongside what God is already doing in a location and assisting. The work and the effects of your work will stay long after you leave. This also gives a wonderful opportunity for long-term partnerships to form, as you can go back to the same community more than once.

3. Are you invited? 

This goes hand-in-hand with points one and two. Think about it this way: what would you think, and what would you do if a team of people came unexpectedly and uninvited into your church, street, or community and set up camp for a week, cameras in hand? Even if their help was genuine and needed, it would still be jarring, if not questionable and insulting. It’s very helpful to double-check that you are invited to wherever you are going – that people know and want you to come.

4. Are you actually helping? 

Even if points one, two, and three are in order, it’s still essential to check that what you are going to do is helpful, a blessing, and a good use of global resources. Just simply asking and answering this question would stop the twelve-times-painted-school debacle. It’s worth reading ‘When Helping Hurts’ or other similar resources to get a grasp of what this really means. If a community needs a school, for example, is it better to spend the $10,000 + to bring a team to move some bricks, or would that money be better and more efficiently used in the hands of local people in an area of high unemployment? Which option would sustainably empower the community? What is or isn’t realistic? Of course, this is not the only factor to consider, as we all know that mission trips change or help, not only those being assisted but those who go – sometimes profoundly and for a lifetime – and it’s hard to put a price tag on those experiences. But the facts remain. Often what we think people need is different than what they think they need. The help we give is not the help they want or need, and so it’s always worth asking the question: are we actually helping, in the right way, and for the right reasons? Again, this is why it’s best to partner with an ongoing ministry in a location in which they have a permanent respectable presence.

5. Are you (or your team) going for the right reasons? 

There are lots of reasons to go and lots of reasons not to go on a mission trip. It’s worth everybody on your team checking their hearts and ensuring that they have the basics in check. This includes essentials like being called by God to go, a willingness to serve and learn, a teachable and humble character, and submission to leadership and the host culture. Wrong reasons to go include having a (proud and boastful) savior mentality (these people need my help), wanting to simply travel overseas (you are not a tourist), or being forced or pressured by somebody else. It’s always worth checking and double-checking that everyone understands what a mission trip is and why you are doing it.

To summarize, what makes the difference between a useless and a life-changing short-term mission trip is this: Thinking it through and asking the right questions. First and foremost, by asking God and reading the Bible. We must understand what missions are and if, when, and how Jesus asks (or tells!) us to go. It’s imperative to have a foundational understanding of God’s heart for the nations. From there, you need some building blocks: an assurance that what you are going to do is helpful and life-giving to the community in which you are serving. That you are partnering with God and others in a sustainable ministry that is bigger than you and your team. With these things in place though, there is no reason why your mission trip can’t be mutually beneficial, kingdom-impacting, and one of the best things that you ever do. 

All our countries have permanent bases that run their ministries year-round. We partner you and your group with pre-existing, long-term ministries and missionaries. Over 80% of our missionaries are nationals, people who understand fully the cultures in which they are serving, and therefore the needs. We do not go into a country or community unless we are first invited (usually by a pastor’s alliance). Our bases approve each one of our trips before we send anybody, as they are the ones on the ground who know the needs and the people. We offer extensive pre- and post-trip resources and training. 


So, you’ve finally signed up for that long-awaited mission trip. The excitement is palpable, and you’re already dreaming of the adventures that await you in far-off lands. But hold on just a minute! Before you start mentally packing your suitcase with visions of sandy beaches and tantalizing cuisine, let’s talk about something important: why a mission trip is not a vacation.

Sure, it might sound tempting to think of your upcoming journey as a chance to unwind and explore new places, but let’s remember the true purpose behind embarking on a mission trip. It’s not just about sightseeing and soaking up the sun—it’s about co-laboring with God to extend his Kingdom by proclaiming, embodying, and demonstrating the sovereign kingship of Jesus Christ.

Now, don’t get us wrong. We are not saying that a mission trip can’t be enjoyable or that you won’t have memorable experiences along the way. Quite the contrary! In fact, some of the most rewarding and fulfilling moments of your life may very well happen during your time serving abroad. But it’s essential to keep in mind that the focus should always remain on the mission at hand.

So, why exactly is a mission trip not a vacation? Let’s break it down:

God’s Call to Serve: Throughout the Bible, we are called to serve others selflessly. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus tells us, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” Our mission trips are opportunities to heed this call and make a tangible difference in the lives of those less fortunate

The Power of Sacrifice: Philippians 2:4 reminds us to “look not only to [our] own interests but also to the interests of others.” While vacations often revolve around indulging in our own desires and pleasures, mission trips require us to step out of our comfort zones and sacrifice our time, resources, and sometimes even our own comforts for the sake of others.

Spreading the Gospel: Mark 16:15 instructs us to “go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Our mission trips are opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who may have never heard it before. It’s about shining the light of God’s love in dark places and offering hope to the hopeless.

Building Kingdom Relationships: On a mission trip, you have the chance to forge meaningful connections with people from different cultures and backgrounds. It’s about building bridges, fostering understanding, and ultimately, advancing God’s kingdom here on earth.

So, as you prepare for your mission trip, let’s shift our perspective from viewing it as a vacation to seeing it as a divine assignment—a sacred opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a hurting world. Sure, there may be challenges along the way, and it won’t always be smooth sailing. But remember, God equips those He calls, and with His guidance and strength, you can make an incredible impact wherever you go. 

So, pack your bags, but pack them with a heart full of love, a spirit of humility, and a willingness to serve. And when you return home, may your memories be not just of the sights you saw or the adventures you had, but of the lives you touched and the souls you helped lead to Christ.

Bon voyage, my friend! Your mission awaits.


Embarking on a mission trip can be a transformative journey, filled with opportunities to step beyond comfort zones, witness divine intervention, and forge profound connections with others. However, amidst the allure of such experiences, individuals often encounter obstacles that seem insurmountable, deterring them from participating in what could be a life-changing adventure. Let’s delve into some common challenges and explore how God, through His wisdom and provision, offers solutions to each one. 

1. Financial Constraints 

One of the most common reasons people refrain from participating in mission trips is the financial burden associated with international travel. Many mission trips require participants to cover expenses such as airfare, accommodation, meals, and additional fees. For individuals facing financial constraints or limited resources, participation costs may be unfeasible from a world perspective.

Thankfully, as believers, we live within the Kingdom of God, where our Heavenly Father promises to provide for our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). If God is calling you to serve on a mission trip, trust in His faithfulness to provide the necessary finances. Through prayer, fundraising efforts, and the support of your community, God can open doors and supply abundantly beyond what you can imagine.

This is where Christ For the City’s peer to peer fundraising tool makes it easy to share with friends and family and invite them to support you. Our missions team department will help set up a page for your trip.

Here is an example of one of those pages: 

Greek Cru Virginia Tech Spring Break Trip (

2. Family or Work Obligations 

Family commitments and professional responsibilities often serve as significant barriers to participating in mission trips. For individuals with young children, caregiving responsibilities may make it challenging to leave for an extended period. Similarly, individuals with demanding jobs or career obligations may struggle to find the time to commit to a mission trip without jeopardizing their employment or income. 

In navigating family and work obligations, seek guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit. Surrender your plans and concerns to God, trusting that He knows the desires of your heart and the needs of your loved ones. Through prayerful discernment and open communication with your family and employer, God can orchestrate circumstances and provide solutions that allow you to fulfill your calling to missions while honoring your responsibilities at home and in the workplace. 

3. Health or Safety Concerns 

Concerns about personal safety and health risks can dissuade individuals from embarking on mission trips, particularly to regions with unstable political climates, high crime rates, or prevalent health risks. Fear of encountering violence, illness, or other adverse conditions may lead individuals to prioritize their own well-being and opt out of participating in potentially hazardous mission trips.

Trust in the protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit as you discern the call to missions. Seek wisdom through prayer and seek counsel from experienced mission leaders who can provide insight into safety protocols and risk management measures. Remember that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). By entrusting your safety into God’s hands and taking prudent precautions, you can embark on mission trips with confidence, knowing that He goes before you and guards your steps.

4. Comfort Zone or Fear of the Unknown 

Stepping outside one’s comfort zone and navigating unfamiliar environments can be intimidating for many people. The prospect of traveling to a foreign country, immersing oneself in a different culture, and engaging with communities facing hardship may evoke feelings of anxiety or apprehension. Fear of the unknown or discomfort with unfamiliar situations may prevent individuals from fully committing to the experience of a mission trip.

Allow the Holy Spirit to transform your fears into faith and courage. Lean into God’s promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6) and that His strength is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Through prayer, seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and peace, knowing that He equips and empowers you to overcome obstacles and embrace new challenges. Step out in faith, trusting that God’s grace is more than sufficient to sustain you in every situation.

6. Logistical Challenges 

Planning and organizing a mission trip involve numerous logistical considerations, including visa applications, transportation arrangements, accommodation bookings, and coordination of volunteer activities. For individuals who are not accustomed to managing complex travel logistics or who lack the support of an organized mission team, the logistical challenges involved may seem overwhelming and deter them from participating.

At Christ For the City International, we work with you and your team to create a meaningful mission trip experience, complete with orientation, ministry projects, debrief and sightseeing. Our staff is committed to being with you every step of the way. Your team will serve with local CFCI missionaries because we believe that healthy short-term trips are possible when they are done in the context of national-led long-term ministries.

In conclusion, while obstacles may arise, God’s grace and provision are more than sufficient to overcome them. Through prayer, faith, and reliance on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you can step beyond the limitations of the world and embrace the abundant blessings and opportunities that await you on mission trips. Trust in God’s faithfulness, lean not on your own understanding, and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). 

Mission Trip Fundraising Fundamentals

Amidst the necessary gathering of documents and details, the next step is often the most dreaded: fundraising. Whether you’re going as part of a team or as an individual, raising funds is typically part of the process and can sometimes feel like pulling teeth and herding cats. But here’s the good news—it doesn’t have to be! We’re here to help, so here’s our simple guide to mission trip fundraising fundamentals:  

1. Understand the why

Fundraising can often require a lot of patience and persistence, and it can be a challenging process. This is why it’s important to know why you’re doing it (and sticking with it) in the first place, especially before you begin. 

Even if you can finance your trip alone, here’s a couple of reasons why fundraising is still a good idea: 

Fundraising not only alleviates the financial burden but also invites your community into the process. When people support your trip financially, they are investing in what God is doing through and within you. They become partners in building the Kingdom of God, lifting you up in prayer and community.  

The Church, as depicted in the Bible, is often compared to one body with many parts, where we need one another. Going on a mission trip is another example of how the body can come together to meet each other’s needs and celebrate victories. We are not designed to do life or church alone.  

2. Make a Plan

It’s crucial to start fundraising as soon as possible and to have a plan in place. You need to know how much you need to raise, by what dates, how people can donate, and how you intend to raise your needed finances.  

Christ For the City’s peer-to-peer fundraising tool makes it easier to share with friends and family and invite them to support you. Our missions team department will help set up a page for your trip.   

Here is an example of one of those pages: 

Greek Cru Virginia Tech Spring Break Trip ( 

Apart from sending support letters (more on that below), there are many other fundraising options for both teams and individuals. 

For example: 

FAMILY: Babysitting, Trivia Night. 

FOOD: Bake Sale, Cook-off, Coffee Bar, Cookie Dough Sale, Dinner and a Movie, Lemonade Stand, Pancake Breakfast, Taco Bar, Tea Party. 

SALES: Business Sponsorship, Discount Cards, Garage Sale, Grant Writing, Matching Gifts, Raffle, T-Shirt Sale, Silent Auction, Spare Change Collection, ‘Rent Out’ yourself or your team (to do yard work, babysitting, moving house, painting, etc.). 

SPORTS: Basketball Tournament, Dodgeball Tournament, Video Game Competition, Golf Outing, host a 5K Race, Super Bowl Party, Walk-a-thon. 

WORK: Can Collection, Dog Wash, Mow-a-thon, Service Auction, Car Wash. 

3. Writing and sending support letters

Writing and sending out support letters is a great first step for meeting your fundraising goals.   

Here are some valuable, practical tips and guidelines for doing so effectively: 

Step 1: Pray. 

Before doing anything else, pray. This whole process is about trusting God to provide. Begin each day declaring, “God loves to provide for me!” 

Step 2: Make a list. 

Make a list of everyone you know. Think about family, friends, your church community, and other social groups you are a part of (sports, clubs, etc.). Have a financial goal, and make sure you know exactly how much you need to raise. 

Step 3: Figure out the wording. 

In the section below, there is a sample support/prayer letter template that you are welcome to use as a basis for your own. Try to make your letter as succinct as possible (one page, only double-sided if you have lots of pictures). Make sure you include: 

  • A greeting  
  • Details about your current life situation  
  • Why you are writing to them  
  • Trip details (where you are going, what you will be doing, when you are going)  
  • Your hopes and expectations about the trip (your personal vision)  
  • What your financial needs are (do not be afraid to give suggestions on donation amounts. For example, ‘would you pray about sponsoring me/us $200 to make this trip a reality?)  
  • How people can give  
  • Contact details  

Communicate that you are going to follow up your letter with either a phone call or a second letter. Then make sure you do this!  

Step 4: Make it aesthetically pleasing. 

Once you have the wording, you need to make it look good. There are a few simple ways to make this happen: 

  • Include photos of yourself.
  • Use a template. You can get free templates using websites like Google Docs or Canva (
  • Create a visually appealing header.

Leave room to write a personal, handwritten note on the bottom (or the top) of each one. 

Step 5: Inclusions. 

Include a response card either on the bottom of the letter itself or separately. This is usually a quarter of a sheet of paper (depending on how many details you want to include), giving details of where to send money and the options for giving. 

Include a return envelope, with the appropriate donation address to make the process as simple as possible. 

Step 6: Be personable. 

Be personable! It may be a good idea to call, text, or talk to people before you give them your letter. Let them know that it’s coming, or even ask them if it would be okay if you sent it to them. Hand out as many as you can in person. 


Dear NAME, 

I hope this letter finds you well! 

As you may or may not know, I am currently (DETAILS ABOUT CURRENT LIFE SITUATION- i.e., in my last year of high school, finishing up my college degree, leading the youth group at my church) and I have been given the amazing opportunity to go on a short-term mission trip with (organization) to (location/country name)! 


I am writing to ask for your prayers and support. God has given me such excitement for this trip because (DETAILS- i.e., I have a huge heart for working with children. It’s always been my passion to serve Him in this way, and I am inspired by what Jesus said in the Great Commission, etc.). 

To go on this mission trip, I need to raise (AMOUNT) by (DATE). Would you prayerfully consider sponsoring me financially? You can donate by (DONATION DETAILS). 

Financial support aside, I also humbly ask for your prayers, both in preparation and during my time on the field. Please pray (PRAYER REQUESTS). 

Thank you for your friendship and support. I look forward to sharing with you about my time in (LOCATION) when I return home! 

 Abundant Blessings, (YOUR NAME) 

4. Follow Up

Following up is an extremely important part of the fundraising process. 

A few weeks after you send your letter, be sure to follow up with people in person or with a phone call, simply asking them if they received it and if they have any questions. Many times people have good intentions to give, but simply forget, and a phone call is a great reminder. 

Then, when people do donate to you, be sure to thank them—in person, over the phone, or through the mail before your trip, and after you come back. 

It’s a great idea to keep your financial supporters in the loop during your trip and while on the field. Consider purchasing little thank-you gifts or taking a photo with a ‘thank you’ sign to print and send upon your return. 

Either way, make appreciation and follow-up a priority before, during, and after your mission trip. 

With these simple steps, you will be well on your way to going on your (fully funded) mission trip!

PLEASE NOTE: Per IRS guidelines all contributions to Christ for the City International are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law and made with the understanding that Christ for the City International has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

Copyright © 2022 Christ For the City International. All Rights Reserved.

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