A little about Tirrases Ministry:
You have an amazing opportunity to sponsor a child in need through this wonderful ministry. For many of these children, traditional sponsorship and one-on-one correspondence is not possible for a number of reasons, including government and legal regulatilons of photographing minors. They have stories you will never hear, and sweet faces you will never see. But we work with, support and love them, knowing that our Father in heaven not only sees them, but adores them unconditionally.
Over 30% of our ministries around the world at Christ For the City International minister to impoverished children. Along with meeting their spiritual needs, and showing them the love and hope of Jesus Christ, we provide food, clothing, education, daycare and healthcare. We work with orphans, as well as homeless, drug addicted, incarcerated, abused and neglected children. Our missionaries work in prisons, daycares, schools, camps, youth groups, slums, homes, sports fields, clinics, orphanages and on the streets.
Individuals, families, youth groups, small groups, sports teams or churches can change the life of a child in need. Would you consider sponsoring this program today?