A little about Egle Frugone:
Dr. Egle Frugone has been serving the community of La Carpio in Costa Rica for more than 20 years. La Carpio is the largest slum in Central America and is home to 40,000 people; many of whom are illegal immigrants who do not have access to Government healthcare programs. The clinic in La Carpio began more than 20 years ago in a tiny space without running water or electricity to meet the huge health needs of the population, and has since grown into a two story building in the center of the slum; where she and her team see patients every day for general consults, dentistry, gynecology and pathology.
In addition to her continuing ministry within La Carpio, Egle has led medical outreach clinics to the Gyuymi Indian population for over 15 years. Three times per year she takes a team to an extremely remote area to conduct a service, do medical clinics, children’s ministry, evangelism, women’s ministry, and crafts among other things.